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Large gathering of NWO-KIC Microbiome projects in Amsterdam
Oct 17, 2024
Lots of networking today as over 40 scientists and industry partners from the three NWO-KIC Microbiome projects (MicroHealth, Soils2guts, and Precision Medicine for Agriculture) gathered at the University of Amsterdam for the NWO-KIC Microbiome Programme Day. This day was dedicated to bringing these microbiome projects together to find their synergies and potentially their opportunities to collaborate. It was an initiative from NWO.
The session was opened by Floor Hugenholtz (NWO), after which prof. dr. Harro Bouwmeester introduced MicroHealth as the first NWO-KIC Microbiome project. His talk included a general overview of the work packages, the goals of MicroHealth, and the work that has already been done including fieldwork for Work Package 1 and outreach through the website, social media, and the Open Day at UvA Science Park. Besides talks from the other two NWO-KIC Microbiome projects, there was also a guest lecture by prof. dr. Jos Raaijmakers about "Rewilding the Microbiome".
After lunch, Wenyi Jia gave a presentation about her work for MicroHealth during the workshop session and Hilde Herrema gave a plenary session about Holomicrobiome. The day was finished off with a networking drink and surely a great foundation for collaboration in the future.