Research | Training


MicroHealth will directly contribute to the generation of human capital by training three PhD students, two postdocs and a technician. They will be trained in the urgently needed discipline-specific approaches and technologies described in the work packages and, more importantly, interdisciplinary communication, project management, and executive skills. In addition, to the BSc and MSc students that the university partners are teaching anyway, an estimated 12 BSc/MSc students, will also be trained in and exposed to aspects of MicroHealth. Insights from the project will therefore find its way directly to the next generation of professionals. Because of the involvement of a large number of companies and societal stakeholders, MicroHealth will form a learning community in itself, with companies, educational and research institutions and societal stakeholders working closely together linking learning, working, innovation, societal communication and research. Hereto, the MicroHealth consortium will engage their company, educational-, research-, societal institutes/stakeholders in the MicroHealth learning community to optimally synergize and benefit from the expertises represented in the consortium. To stimulate the different professionals towards related life-long learning interests, seminars and conferences as well as secondments will be offered to consortium members, and their students/employees. Experiences will be presented at innovation and student markets to prepare also other students for future jobs.