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Save the Date: 19 nov - Plant the Future Diner in The Hague

Nov 14, 2024

Do you want to support the transition from animal-based to plant-based protein? Then join the "Plant the Future-Diner" on Tuesday 19 November (ca. 14:30-21:30) at Nieuwspoort in The Hague.

This is the fourth edition of this event and a special one, as it is exactly 50 years ago that the protein transition started with the campaign "less meat madam, you probably know why" ("Minder vlees, mevrouw! u weet hopelijk wel waarom!"). Since then, the transition has become more than just "a little less meat". From a simple societal vision in 1974, to an absolute necessity in 2024.

The theme of this dinner will be how and which collaborations can facilitate this transition. A total of 230 prominent images of the transition - from industry, politics, science, education, NGOs - will attend to discuss how we can make plant-based the new standard. Join the discussion, share your insights, assume knowledge and inspiration and make broaden your network.

Click the "Read more" button for more information and registration (link is in Dutch).

The Plant the Future-Diner is an initiative from our partner Transitiecoalitie Voedsel.